Today our fantastic student teacher (lets call him CG) started full time. For the last couple of weeks he has been coming in once a week to get acquainted with the class and the kiddos absolutely adore him. When I say he's a natural I am not kidding. CG has created excellent lessons and you would never think that he hasn't been teaching like a veteran. CG is also an artist so we have the cutest anchor charts that I have ever seen. I'll post pics of them later in the week. Check this out, when I left today he was still there working. He gets it!
I just wanted to give a shout out to our wonderful student teacher CG. So glad to have you aboard the first grade roller coaster. Leave a comment if you ever had an outstanding student teacher like us.
I have been using a marble notebook for Reading Responses for many years. It hasn't been working out too well. My first graders do not know where to put their title, they don't know where to start writing and some try to write so small to stay in the lines. Then others write on three to lines and their writing is sooooo BIG. the kids had a lot of drama with these notebooks and so did I trying to read them.
This year I decided to stop the drama so I created a Reading Response journal and instantly the drama ceased. Kids knew where to write and had lines they could work with. I can read the journals NOW!
If you have the same problem you can pick up this journal here.
For years we have celebrated the 100th day of school. However, one of our first grade standards is to count to 120. So why not celebrate the 120th day of school? Just finished a pack of 120 day activities. It will be on sale until February 19th. Leave a comment and let me know if your class celebrates the 120th day of school. Click here to pick up your copy.
This year I wanted a way to organize my Math Manipulatives. I have so many and they were all over the place. So I decided to put everything in tubs and I made labels for each tub. So this is the freebie for today. I really hope that they will keep your Math Manipulatives organized. Happy Organizing!
Looking out my window I see a lot of snow. Just wondering if there will be school tomorrow. So since it is snowing and cold I thought some Penguin activities would be fun to share. My kiddos love learning about Penguins. I really enjoy teaching about them. Hopefully your students will love learning about Penguins too. See you tomorrow for another freebie.
I hit 100 likes on Facebook yesterday and to celebrate I am offering a freebie week to say THANK YOU. Check out the blog each day this week for a freebie.
The first freebie is a "How To Make a A Valentine" writing activity. Enjoy and see you tomorrow for another freebie.